Thursday, November 15, 2007


Today, Joey and I met Cass and Sam at the mall and the babies played at the playplace there, and afterwards we walked around together. While the babies were playing, some young kids came up and wanted to play with the babies. They initially discussed among themselves which baby they wanted and decided on Sam, then Joey. They told us they wanted to "have a baby to be a bear in the cave" (one of the play structures had an area kids could crawl underneath). I decided to let them play with Joey as long as they were gentle and as long as he was content.

His new friends:

The little girl was five, but she was barely bigger than Joey it seemed, and I was really surprised she was able to hold him:

He was perfectly happy the whole time she carried him around and even cuddled up to her and held tight to her shirt. It was very cute.

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